ASTPP Is Sponsoring ClueCon 2022

ASTPP is super excited to announce that we are going to sponsor ClueCon Developers Conference 2022. W e , being the #1 open source VoIP platform , always look forward to contribut ing to the open source VoIP industry. As ClueCon aims to bring everyone on the same platform and it is supported by one of the most popular VoIP platforms, FreeSWITCH, we are excited to be part of it. What is ClueCon? ClueCon is a conference for developers by developers: an annual technology conference held every summer hosted by the team behind the FreeSWITCH open source project. Our primary focus is to gather various open source projects to discuss Voice over IP, open source software and hardware, Telecommunications, WebRTC, and IoT. We sit at the intersection of communication and technology and we love all things technical. Open source projects that have been represented over many years include FreeSWITCH, Kamailio, Asterisk, OpenSIPS, FusionPBX, Janus, HOM...