Money-Saving Tips for Prepaid International Calling Cards

International travelling has become common nowadays. From leisure trips to higher studies, business trips and many more reasons encourage people to travel abroad. During their international trips, people have to communicate back home. International direct calling is quite expensive. There are some free applications available for international calling, but again, there are some limitations and inconveniences attached to it such as both parties have to have that app. The calling card solutions can be a great money saving tool that offers international calling services without any added hassle.

What is a calling card system?
VoIP calling cards give a great solution for cheap international calling. The user receives a card similar to a SIM card from a VoIP service provider. This card will connect the call to either the provider’s VoIP route or to a dedicated route assigned to a user to call at international destinations. As these cards use a SIP based calling mechanism to connect calls, the cost of a call will be lower than direct calling.
The platform used to manage these cards by a service provider is called VoIP calling card platform.

There are two types of VoIP calling cards available in the market:
Both of them have the same mechanism as a normal SIM card for calling. Either you pay the bill at the end of the billing cycle or you recharge your card to use cheap international calling services. You can leverage the advantages of calling using any of these types of calling cards.
In this article, I will share how you can save more money using the prepaid international calling card offered by a provider or one of the calling card resellers.
Top tips to save money using prepaid international calling cards:

1. Choose a cheap calling card
When you are looking for an international cheap calling card, there are plenty of options in each country. In fact, at the airport only you can get the best calling cards from calling card resellers. Some of the branded card providers cost higher for this solution and service. Thus, it is advisable to buy it from one of the providers that offer cheaper services and cheaper cards. The calling card solutions and their features can be explored in detail to buy the best and cheap option.

2. Use LCR for international calling
The calling card platform offers an array of features to the service providers and one of the most useful features is call routing strategies. There are multiple strategies available to provide different services. For example, a priority call ensures that your call gets priority in routing and receives crystal clear voice quality. If you want to save on international calling, you must ensure that you use LCR (Least Cost Routing), which is the cheapest for international calling.

3. Take advantage of real time billing
Real time billing is not available in each calling card system, but it is necessary. Check with your provider about its availability. It will make sure you can make calls only till you have a balance in your account and your phone doesn’t go in the negative balance. This is a cheaper solution for calling with a prepaid card.

Concluding notes
To meet international calling needs without spending a lot on communication and to save yourself from the intricacies of free platforms, you must use the best hosted calling card platform offering international calling services.
The providers use the top calling card solutions to help you provide the best experience along with cheap international calling services. Take full advantage of this technology boon with money-saving using the top 3 tips shared in this article. Make your next international trip fun and enjoy unlimited calling with dear ones or team without worrying about expenses on communication.


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