
Showing posts from November, 2022

VoIP Softswitch with Integrated FreeSWITCH Billing: How Does It Make a Difference?

The role of a VoIP Softswitch solution is quite vital in the IP telephony industry. Hundreds of wholesale and retail service providers use the best Softswitch to deliver world class services to clients.    The class 4 and class 5 Softswitch solution s usually incorporate major features and functionalities into these VoIP solutions to benefit residential or global customers. The company that offers this solution can develop it in any VoIP development technology. However, FreeSWITCH and OpenSIPs are the top VoIP development technologies to develop VoIP Softswitch .   Along with the standard and advanced operational features of a class 5 and class 4 Softswitch software , the businesses also need to have an integrated VoIP billing solution. A few billing and invoicing features will not be enough. It will need to have the extensive features to generate invoices and bills. Despite the fact, what is the technology used to develop your VoIP Softswitch solution, you can have eithe

How Does a Hosted VoIP Softswitch Benefit Small Businesses?

  VoIP Softswitch solutions   have been empowering different VoIP businesses for dozens of years with their flexible switching platform and convenient software solution. The switching platform creates an interconnected network of telephone lines that make routing easier by letting one line route the call to another until it reaches the destination to connect the callee and caller. As the whole routing, switching, calling, billing, and other operations are performed over the internet, the use of telecommunication services based on this platform would be cheaper compared to other networks. On-premise and   hosted VoIP Softswitch   solutions work with the same mechanism to empower businesses with reliable and affordable routing and calling tools.  The  retail and wholesale Softswitch  solutions are usually available as an open source or proprietary platform. For small VoIP businesses, even  hosted Softswitch solutions  are available. It is incredibly beneficial for small businesses. Let m