VoIP Softswitch with Integrated FreeSWITCH Billing: How Does It Make a Difference?

The role of a VoIP Softswitch solution is quite vital in the IP telephony industry. Hundreds of wholesale and retail service providers use the best Softswitch to deliver world class services to clients.  

The class 4 and class 5 Softswitch solutions usually incorporate major features and functionalities into these VoIP solutions to benefit residential or global customers. The company that offers this solution can develop it in any VoIP development technology. However, FreeSWITCH and OpenSIPs are the top VoIP development technologies to develop VoIP Softswitch. 

Along with the standard and advanced operational features of a class 5 and class 4 Softswitch software, the businesses also need to have an integrated VoIP billing solution. A few billing and invoicing features will not be enough. It will need to have the extensive features to generate invoices and bills. Despite the fact, what is the technology used to develop your VoIP Softswitch solution, you can have either Asterisk billing software or FreeSWITCH billing solution.  

There are added advantages of using a FreeSWITCH based solution for your VoIP Softswitch and VoIP billing solution.  

1. Highly scalable 

Wholesale and retail VoIP businesses usually grow at a rapid rate. The software must have the bandwidth to match the velocity of business growth of the VoIP service providers. FreeSWITCH is one of the most scalable technologies. Therefore, instead of using Asterisk billing software and Softswitch, you must use a FreeSWITCH based solution. Of course, the right architecture and deployment play a vital role in making the software scalable, but the technology support will be available at the fullest.  

2. Excellent load balancing and failover 

The class 5 and class 4 Softswitch software solutions often handle massive call volume. Likewise the FreeSWITCH billing solution often handles multiple rate plans, fees, taxes, and complicated invoicing requirements. The increased load and call volume can bring the system down, whether it is a Softswitch or a VoIP billing solution. The FreeSWITCH itself is a robust technology and it makes platforms more sustainable towards failover. Even the best load balancing and failover system can be designed for businesses to continue operating even during the peak hours or spike in operations. 

3. Robust and secure  

For class 4 and class 5 Softswitch solutions developed using FreeSWITCH are highly robust and secure. In the VoIP network, all calls and data are exchanged over internet lines, which make it necessary to make the system more robust and protected. FreeSWITCH itself has some integrated security features. Moreover, the developers build added security features like fraud detection and manager. 

Concluding notes 

In conclusion, the role of technology is quite huge in making a system more robust, secure, scalable, and reliable. The FreeSWITCH billing solution and FreeSWITCH based Softswitch system is of superior quality and gives better command over business growth. 

ASTPP has the most advanced VoIP Softswitch solution with integrated billing system. It uses FreeSWITCH and OpenSIPs as the base technology. Moreover, it provides added benefits to the service provider and end users. To know more about these VoIP solutions and their benefits, visit  https://astppbilling.org


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