Major Advantages of a Multi Tenant IP PBX Solution

IP PBX software solutions have been in use for several years. Traditionally, Asterisk PBX solution was popular and used by top enterprises and large scaled businesses. However, now this business phone system is not abided by enterprises and large sized businesses. It can be used by any business, in any industry vertical. Along with Asterisk based solution FreeSWITCH PBX solution is also available. An IP PBX solution can be either a single tenant or multi tenant. Both have their own advantages to offer, but a multi tenant IP PBX solution has several advantages. 

1. Centralized telecommunication network:-


A multi tenant PBX software provides centralized control of the telephony network by providing one super admin account and other tenant accounts. That means the main office of an enterprise sets up the main account of this IP PBX software and other branches can have tenant accounts. The main office will have complete control over all branches. It can control the communication features of each branch along with taking control of several other factors. 

2. Simplified management of telecom network:-

In a business with branch offices or a tenant model, it becomes difficult to handle telephony infrastructure. It would have a lot of connections, extensions, phone lines, DID numbers, and more. A FreeSWITCH PBX solution provides scalability and robustness to handle calls with this software. A multi tenant IP PBX solution eliminates hardware, wiring, and other complicated telephony infrastructure. It provides a simplified infrastructure that can be managed with ease. Moreover, if you are using a solution from a company, then you can also use their technical services, which can help you simplify the management of the solution even further. 

3. Lower expenses:-

The communication cost of FreeSWITCH or Asterisk PBX solution would be way cheaper than traditional telephony lines. It can manage hundreds of extensions and phone lines and provide way more communication features compared to its counterparts and that also at way cheaper rates. Additionally, it will reduce rates of infrastructure, and manpower to manage business phone systems, system maintenance, etc. This will help in cutting costs significantly. 

4. Greater insight:-

A multi tenant PBX software will provide reports and other insight to review fund allocation, fair usage of communication solutions, etc. for each branch. There can also be custom reports to benefit businesses with more detailed insight into the usage of business communication resources. This is one of the major advantages of this software as it makes it more viable to review how businesses perform compared to investments made over them. 

Concluding notes:-

In a nutshell, the advantages of using an IP PBX solution are limitless. Using a multi tenant solution based on Asterisk or FreeSWITCH makes this software even more beneficial for businesses and enterprises. Thus, it is worth investing in this solution. 

ASTPP offers the best multi tenant IP PBX solution, which is loaded with excellent features and functionalities. You can also use integrated VoIP billing and other solutions offered by ASTPP. To know more about this software, its features, benefits, and other offerings made available by ASTPP visit. 

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